Gascoigne, Hester. "Philip Guston." ANG News, 1981.
Ratcliff, Carter. "The Mastery of Philip Guston." Saturday Review, January 1981, pp. 81–83.
Kachur, Lewis. "Philip Guston." Arts Magazine, January 1981, p. 9.
Saturday Review (Iowa). [Article title unknown]. January 1981.
Walker, James Faure. "Awkward Moments." Artscribe, February 1981.
King, Mary. "The Guston Retrospective: A 'Grim Mirror to Our Time.'" St. Louis Post-Dispatch, February 1, 1981, section Music, the Arts, p. 5G.
Denver Downtown. "Museum To Show Guston Retrospect." March 1981.
Storr, Robert. "Notes on Philip Guston (1913–1980)." Harvard Advocate (1981): pp. 4–13.
Clurman, Irene. "A Little Bit of Guston Goes Long, Long Way." Rocky Mountain News (Denver), March 13, 1981, section Center, p. 14C.
Forgey, Benjamin. "Art: Philip Guston at the Phillips." Washington Star, March 29, 1981, section Arts & Books, p. E-2.
Richard, Paul. "The Gusto of Guston: The Artist's Compelling Last Pictures at the Phillips." Washington Post, April 9, 1981, pp. D1, D13.
Kramer, Hilton. "Modernist Show Moves Met Firmly into Art of 20th Century." The New York Times, May 22, 1981, pp. C1, C21.
Whelan, Richard. "Whiz-Kid Schnabel and the Grand Old Man." Art & Auction, June/July 1981.
Lansing, Gerritt L. "Guston Retrospective." Art/World, Summer 1981.
Greenwich Time. "Whitney's Guston Exhibit Spans Half-Century Career." June 27, 1981.
Russell, John. "Art: Philip Guston in Retrospect." The New York Times, July 3, 1981, section Weekend, p. C1.
Marzorati, Gerald. "Art Picks: Philip Guston." Soho News, July 8, 1981, p. 40.
Perreault, John. "Guston Winds." SoHo Weekly News, July 8, 1981, p. 51.
Grant, Daniel. "Philip Guston, Rebel Painter in Retrospect." Newsday, July 12, 1981, section Part II, pp. 17-18.
Hackett, Regina. "Guston's Legacy Lives On." Seattle Post-Intelligencer, July 12, 1981.
Schjeldahl, Peter. "Self-Abuse on Parade." Village Voice, July 15–21, 1981, section Art, p. 72.
Russell, John. "Art: New Gallery Offers Surprising Americana." The New York Times, July 17, 1981.
Larson, Kay. "Painting From Ground Zero." New York, July 20, 1981, pp. 58–59.
Wolff, Theodore F. "An Artist Who Dared to Paint the Recognizable." Christian Science Monitor, July 31, 1981.