
Reed, Judith Kaye. "Washington." Art Digest, April 1, 1955, pp. 15-16.
Worcester Art Museum News Bulletin. [Article title unknown]. May 1955.
Rosenblum, Robert. "The New Decade." Arts Digest, May 15, 1955, pp. 20-23.
Art Quarterly XVIII. [Article title unknown]. Autumn 1955.
Wright, S. Macdonald. "Art News from Los Angeles." ARTnews, October 1955, p. 59.
ARTnews Annual. "Poets and Pictures." 1955, pp. 79-96.
Dellinger, Martha. "Abstract Painting." Preview (University of Arkansas), Spring 1955, pp. 33-39.
B[utler], B[arbara]. "In the Galleries." Arts, February 1956, p. 53.
C[hamberlain], B[etty]. "Reviews and Previews: Philip Guston." ARTnews, February 1956, p. 47.
Time. "Art: The Wild Ones." February 20, 1956, pp. 70–75.
Cherry, Herman. "Los Angeles Revisited." Arts, March 1956, pp. 18-22.
Ashton, Dore. "Art: The Age of Lyricism" Arts & Architecture, March 1956, pp. 14–15, 43–44.
Heron, Patrick. "The Americans at the Tate Gallery." Arts, March 1956, pp. 15-17.
Finkelstein, Louis. "New Look: Abstract-Impressionism." ARTnews, March 1956, pp. 36–39, 66–68.
C[reeley], R[obert]. "Philip Guston: A Note." Black Mountain Review, Spring 1956, pp. 170–74.
Ashton, Dore. "L'apport artistique des Etats-Unis." XXe Siecle, June 1956.
Hess, Thomas B. "Great Expectations, Part I." ARTnews, Summer 1956, pp. 36-37, 59.
Steinberg, Leo. "Month in Review: Fritz Glarner and Philip Guston among 'Twelve Americans' at the Museum of Modern Art." Arts, June 1956, pp. 42–45.
Soby, James Thrall. "Twelve Americans." Saturday Review, June 9, 1956, pp. 34–35.
Coates, Robert M. "Ninth Inning." The New Yorker, June 9, 1956, pp. 120–22.
Ashton, Dore. "Art." Arts & Architecture, September 1956, p. 35.
Ashton, Dore. "Painting Today in New York." Revue de l'Art Actuel, November–December 1956, pp. 8, 14.
The Bulletin of the Museum of Modern Art. "Painting and Sculpture Acquisitions, June 1, 1953 through June 30, 1955." 1956.
Ashton, Dore. "New York." Cimaise (Paris), March–April 1957, pp. 30–31.