
D. E. "Philip Guston." NY Arts, Winter 2000.
Erikson, Emily. "Preview U.S. Shorts, 'Philip Guston: A New Alphabet.'" Artforum, January 2000.
Carrier, David. "Arte estrema, di rottura che smantella uno stile." Tema Celeste: Arte Contemporanea, January–February 2000.
Bannat, Christoph. "Heimlicher Vater, Tabubruch: Philip Guston kehrte von der Abstraktion zuruk zur Figur." Vogue (Berlin), February 2000.
Sommer, Andreas. "Made in USA." [Publication unknown]. February 26, 2000.
Marquar, Christian. "Der Ku-Klux-Klan ist immer dabei." Kunst, March 2, 2000.
Morgan, Robert C. "Philip Guston: Small Paintings and Drawings 1968–1980." Review: The Critical State of Visual Art in New York, March 15, 2000, p. 18.
Schwablschce Zeltung. "Die Wucht der Dinge." March 16, 2000.
Nemiroff, Diana. "The Painter's Quest." Vernissage, Spring 2000, pp. 18–19.
Altstatt, Rosanne. "Philip Guston im Kunstverein." Kunstbulletin, April 2000.
The New Yorker. "Philip Guston." April 10, 2000, p. 20.
Milroy, Sarah. "I Was Feeling Split, Schizophrenic." National Post, May 17, 2000, pp. B6–B7.
Kastein, Albrecht. "Ein Plakat zur Ausstellung, Philip Guston, A New Alphabet." Kunstlerplakate Sammlung Lempert, June 16–August 7, 2000, p. 6.
Halkes, Petra. "Figuring Out Abstraction." Border Crossings, August 2000, pp. 75–77.
Levine, Karen A. "The Anderson Art Collection: A Family Affair." Pulteney St. Survey, Fall 2000.
Regnier, Philippe. "Un expressionniste militant, Philip Guston, un abstrait hante par la figure." Le Journal des Arts (Paris), September 2000.
Krijk, Fran. "Philip Guston." AuxiPress, Fall 2000.
Delaunois, Alain. "Philip Guston, un peintre en liberte." Arts Plastiques, Fall 2000.
Taxi Time. "Philip Guston." October–November 2000.
San Francisco Chronicle. [Article title unknown]. Sunday Datebook, October 1, 2000.
Seed, John. "Why San Francisco Loves Hunk and Moo." artsiteguide.com. Blog. October 2000.
Leydier, Richard. "Philip Guston l'heretique/The Heresies of Philip Guston." Art Press, October 2000, pp. 36–41.
Grenier, Alexandre. "Philip Guston Star Inconnue." Pariscope, Arts, October 2000, p. 171.
Gopnik, Blake. "Philip Guston, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa." ARTnews, October 2000.