
Metzger, Hiram. "Letters and Pictures from LOOK Readers." Look, [1939?].
1938 Annual Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting. Exh. cat. New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1938.
Life. "The WPA Building Raises A Ruckus." c. 1939.
The New York Times. "Debris Still Fills Pavilion of WPA: View from the Outside Shows Men at Work on Building, Not yet Open to the Public." May 4, 1939.
Art Digest: The News and Opinion of the Art World. "These Painters & Sculptors Passed the Jury." June 1, 1939, N. Y. World's Fair Special Number edition, pp. 32–33, 64.
Kruse, A.Z. "Art." Brooklyn Daily Eagle, July 16, 1939, section Trend, p. 7.
The New York Times. "Mural on WPA Building Judged Best Outdoor Art." August 7, 1939, p. 3.
Architectural Forum. "Forum of Events." September 1939, p. 12.
New York Times. "New Yorkers Win Mural Contracts." October 26, 1939.
New York Herald Tribune. "Section of Mural to Be Unveiled at Queens Houses." [c. 1939–1940].
Frontiers of American Art. Exh. cat. San Francisco: M.H. de Young Memorial Museum, 1939.
American Artists Congress 3rd Annual Membership Exhibition: Art in a Skyscraper. Exh. cat. New York: American Artists Congress, 1939.
Exhibition Painting and Sculpture Designed for Federal Buildings. Exh. cat. Washington D.C.: Section of Fine Arts, Public Buildings Administration, Federal Works Agency, 1939.
American Art Today. New York: National Art Society, 1939.
Frankfurter, Alfred. "Directions in U.S. Painting." ARTnews, 1939.
The New York Times. "Art Brevities." March 15, 1940, p. L21.
The New York Times. "Art Notes." May 2, 1940.
Art Digest. "Art Project Highlights Living American Art at New York Fair." June 1, 1940, pp. 10-12.
Gazette (Montreal). "Mural Designs for U.S. Buildings On Exhibit at Art Association." June 8, 1940.
The New York Times. "Awards Commissions for Art on C-3 Ships." June 24, 1940.
Harris, Ruth Green. "Public Tastes in Murals: Underlying Ideas vs. Pictorial Quality in Favorite Examples at World's Fair." The New York Times, July 28, 1940, section 9, p. X7.
Daily Press (Newport News). "Artists Selected to Decorate Ships Being Built Here." August 11, 1940.
The New York Times. "Awards Are Made for Art on 3 Ships: Winners Chosen to Decorate the Presidents Garfield, Adams and Van Buren." August 12, 1940, p. 31.
Reeves, Ruth. "Art Forms in Architecture: Murals." Architectural Record, October 1940, p. 73-76.