Cross, Miriam Dungan. "Local Artists Represented in 'Young America' Show in S.F." Oakland Tribune, January 8, 1956. p. 2-B.
Newton, Eric. "As the British View Our Art." The New York Times, January 15, 1956, section Art, p. 14X.
C[hamberlain], B[etty]. "Reviews and Previews: Philip Guston." ARTnews, February 1956, p. 47.
B[utler], B[arbara]. "In the Galleries." Arts, February 1956, p. 53.
Burrows, Carlyle. "Return Shows by Long-Absent Artists." Herald Tribune, February 12, 1956, section Book Review, p. 12.
Devree, Howard. "Of Image and Vision: Two New Shows Reveal Diverse Solutions." The New York Times, February 12, 1956, section 2, p. 15.
Karp, Ivan C. "Philip Guston." Village Voice, February 15, 1956, p. 7.
Gazette (Montreal). "New Shows Reveal Diverse Solutions." February 18, 1956.
Time. "Art: The Wild Ones." February 20, 1956, pp. 70–75.
Ashton, Dore. "Art: The Age of Lyricism" Arts & Architecture, March 1956, pp. 14–15, 43–44.
Heron, Patrick. "The Americans at the Tate Gallery." Arts, March 1956, pp. 15-17.
Finkelstein, Louis. "New Look: Abstract-Impressionism." ARTnews, March 1956, pp. 36–39, 66–68.
Cherry, Herman. "Los Angeles Revisited." Arts, March 1956, pp. 18-22.
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Ashton, Dore. "L'apport artistique des Etats-Unis." XXe Siecle, June 1956.
Steinberg, Leo. "Month in Review: Fritz Glarner and Philip Guston among 'Twelve Americans' at the Museum of Modern Art." Arts, June 1956, pp. 42–45.
Hess, Thomas B. "Great Expectations, Part I." ARTnews, Summer 1956, pp. 36-37, 59.
Soby, James Thrall. "Twelve Americans." Saturday Review, June 9, 1956, pp. 34–35.
Coates, Robert M. "Ninth Inning." The New Yorker, June 9, 1956, pp. 120–22.
LeQuire, Louise. "Art in Review: Guston's 'Beggar's Joys' Painted To Be Enjoyed." Nashville Banner, August 17, 1956, p. 11.
Ashton, Dore. "Art." Arts & Architecture, September 1956, p. 35.
Devree, Howard. "Galleries Reopen: Early Season Presents Variety of Shows." The New York Times, September 16, 1956, section Art, Records, p. 17.
Genauer, Emily. "Critic Turns Friendly—For Now." New York Herald Tribune, September 30, 1956, section Book Review, p. 9.
Devree, Howard. "Americans Today: Young Artists Who Worked Abroad—Seven Controversial Pioneers." The New York Times, September 30, 1956, section Art, p. X11.